Does being a “nice guy” hurt you when negotiating deals? Dave shares his follow-up with the buyer of the MacObserver and counts is “pre-paid” Tuition. We then dive into an update on the AI apps that we are using to blow up conventional methods of running our businesses. Join us for another casual Friday episode of Business Brain!

This AI-generated Business Brain article can provide more background and resources related to this topic.

## Learn from mistakes.
We all make mistakes. It’s part of the learning process, and it’s important to recognize that mistakes can be valuable tools for growth. This is something that Dave Hamilton recently experienced. Dave is a frequent visitor to flotation tanks, where he has a membership and goes once a month to relax and clear her mind. During his last visit, a thought came to him: he had sold the Mac Observer last year to another company. He had handled the negotiations and was aware of some of the mistakes He had made, but he hadn’t learned the lessons yet.

Dave realized that the only reason he hadn’t reached out to the person he had negotiated the deal with was his fragile ego. He knew that she had already paid the tuition for the mistakes he had made, and that nothing would change if he asked for more information. So, he decided to reach out and ask what mistakes he had made. To his surprise, the person he had negotiated with said he was perfect. While this was nice to hear, Dave had called for more honest feedback.

Through this experience, Dave learned an important lesson: it’s important to learn from our mistakes. Whether it’s a business deal, a relationship, or something else, it’s important to be willing to ask questions and open ourselves up to criticism. Even if it’s uncomfortable, it can be a valuable learning experience. We should be willing to take risks and learn from our mistakes. By doing so, we can grow and become better versions of ourselves.

## Record conversations for future reference.
Recording conversations can be a great way to learn from our mistakes and gain valuable insights. By having a record of a conversation, we can go back and review it later to gain a better understanding of what was said and what we could have done differently. We can also use these recordings to better understand the context of a conversation and the dynamics between people. This can help us to better understand our relationships and how we can better communicate with others.

Additionally, recordings can be a great way to document important conversations and decisions for future reference. This can be especially useful for businesses, as it can help them to track progress and identify areas for improvement. It can also help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that all decisions are well-informed.

Overall, recording conversations can be a great way to learn from our mistakes and gain valuable insights. By having a record of our conversations, we can go back and review them later to gain a better understanding of what was said and what we could have done differently. We can also use these recordings to document important conversations and decisions for future reference. So, if you’re looking for a way to learn from your mistakes and gain valuable insights, consider recording your conversations.

## AI will change everything.
With the advances in artificial intelligence, we are now able to use AI to transcribe and analyze conversations. AI-powered transcription services like,, and are making it easier than ever to record and transcribe conversations. These services can also be used to create searchable databases, chat bots, and other useful tools. AI can also be used to create product titles and descriptions, optimize search engine results, and even generate limericks.

The possibilities of AI are endless, and it’s clear that AI will change everything. AI can help us to save time, make better decisions, and be more productive. It can also help us to create better customer experiences, automate mundane tasks, and make more informed decisions. AI will continue to revolutionize the way we work, and it will be interesting to see how far it can go. AI will undoubtedly be a game-changer in the near future, and businesses must be prepared to use it to their advantage.

## Solve customer problems effectively.
One of the most important ways AI can help businesses is to solve customer problems effectively. AI can be used to create chatbots that can answer customer questions quickly and accurately. This can help improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, as customers will be able to get the answers they need quickly and without any hassle. AI can also be used to analyze customer data and provide insights into customer behavior, which can help businesses better understand their customers and create better experiences. AI can also be used to automate customer service tasks, such as ticketing and customer follow-ups, which can help businesses save time and money.

AI can also be used to create personalized customer experiences. AI can analyze customer data and create tailored experiences that are tailored to the individual customer. This can help businesses increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, as customers will feel like they are being catered to. AI can also be used to create personalized marketing campaigns, which can help businesses increase their reach and engagement.

Finally, AI can be used to create smarter search results. AI can analyze customer data and search terms to create more relevant search results that are tailored to the individual customer. This can help businesses increase their visibility and reach, as customers will be able to find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

In conclusion, AI can help businesses solve customer problems effectively. AI can be used to create chatbots, analyze customer data, automate customer service tasks, create personalized customer experiences, and create smarter search results. AI is a powerful tool that can help businesses create better customer experiences and increase their visibility and reach. Businesses must be prepared to use AI to their advantage in order to stay competitive in the future.

Categories: Episodes


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