Mistakes to avoid small business financial statementsHow important is it to understand and review your Small Business Balance Sheet, Profit and Lose Statement and Cash Flow Statement and how often should you be doing it? Join us today on episode 138 of the Small Business Show for our thoughts on these issues and more!

Your financial statements are a window into your business. Failure to understand and review them frequently can lead to some massive headaches (take it from our own experiences!). On today’s show, we discuss where to get help in understanding what the data in your financials means and how to spot red flags that can be addressed early, before they become major issues. We then discuss the pitfall of focusing solely on Revenue instead of Cash flow that is the blood of your business. Many “profitable” Small Businesses have closed up shop for lack of cash.

Then it’s time to roll out the idea of sharing your financials with your employees – in ways that protect your information but help to explain just how your Small Business makes money and where that money goes. There’s no doubt that your employees think your making more cash than you actually are, so it’s important to let them in on the data that shows how much it really costs to run your company.

Finally, we discuss how often you should be meeting with your accountant – definitely NOT just at tax time.

Join us for these topics and more and then click over the the Small Business Support Group to comment and provide your own tips!


Resources mentioned on this episode:

The Balance: Guide to understanding financial statements
QuickBooks: Warning signs in your financial statements

The Balance: How to prepare a Cash Flow Statement

Categories: Uncategorized


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