Politics and how it impacts your small businessAs we all enjoy the Political Theatre that is our current Presidential Election, Dave and Shannon decide to focus this week’s topic on Politics and how it can (and will) impact your Small Business.

Join us as we discuss Dave’s “crazy theory of politics”, looking at the “why” instead of just the “who” when hearing a political message and how to deal with National vs. State and Local politics that might be messing with your Small Business. Of course,  no Small Business political discussing would be complete without touching on new laws about Exempt and Hourly employees and the minimum wage requirements for both.

Finally, we chat about the concept of it being better to “Ask forgiveness instead of permission” and how it is NOT a good idea when it comes to dealing with local, state or federal laws.

Join us today on the Small Business Show for these topics and more! If you enjoy the show, click over to give us a quick review on iTunes. We appreciate it!


00:00:00 Small Business Show #86 September 28th, 2016
00:00:45 Political Theater
00:01:58 Dave’s crazy theory
00:05:34 Who’s sending the message?
00:08:50 National vs. Local
00:09:46 Healthcare, Minimum Wage
00:10:00 “Exempt” employees
00:14:05 No such thing as forgiveness
00:14:41 Zenefits
00:16:08 The wheels of Congress move slowly, but they move!
00:20:10 As it gets closer to home, pay more and more attention
00:25:19 Tinfoil Hat: Unelected Bureaucrats
00:27:44 Customs can be the worst!

Categories: Uncategorized


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